The Little Drops collectible statues series help your children, grandchildren or godchildren to learn about Jesus, Mary and the Saints.
Jonah was a prophet whom God commanded to go to Nineveh to preach against evil and to call for repentance. If the people of Nineveh did not repent in forty days, God would destroy the city.
But Jonah disobeyed God because the people of Nineveh were enemies of Jonah and his people, so he didn’t want them to be saved by God. He tried to hide from God and took a boat to Tarshish. But God knew where he was and caused a storm in the sea. Jonah was thrown into the sea, and in order not to be drowned, God sent a whale to swallow him. For three days and three nights, Jonah was inside the whale. He repented of having disobeyed God and prayed that he would save him. God answered his prayers.
After being saved, Jonah went to Nineveh. His people showed repentance and God did not destroy the city. Jonah was very angry with God. He left the city and stood in the distance to see if God would destroy Nineveh or not. As it was very hot, God made a plant grow to shade him from the sun. The next day, God sent a worm to eat the plant. Jonah was sad to see the plant die. Then God explained to him that just as Jonah had compassion for the plant, God also had compassion for the people of Nineveh.
• Gift boxed for easy giving and receiving
• Very high-quality resin and only new materials
• Beautifully hand-painted
• Perfect gift for any occasion, for a child, parent, grand-parent, teacher
Product ID: LD065